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Broken Dental Bridge Replaced by Implants

At Innovative Dental, Dr. Grant Olson and his team are dedicated to providing patients with smiles that help them feel confident and empowered. From stepping in during dental emergencies to restoring dental health, Dr. Olson’s skill and experience placing dental implants and implant-supported dentures offer patients both functional and cosmetic rejuvenation. In the video below, he shares how a patient with a broken dental bridge was able to repair and restore his smile at Innovative Dental in just a few hours.

To understand the full scope of each patient’s oral structures, dental issues, and aesthetic concerns, Dr. Olson begins with 3D imaging of the bone, face, and teeth. The images are then merged together, allowing Dr. Olson’s team to create a precise treatment plan mapping out where the implant(s) will go and how the smile will appear. A return visit is then scheduled to extract any remaining teeth, secure the dental implants, and place a temporary denture or bridge prosthetic. Although it can take several months for the implants to completely fuse with the jawbone, patients are still able to go home the day of surgery with a new set of beautiful, natural-looking, and functional temporary teeth.

In this case, the patient received implant-supported dentures to replace his broken bridge, which were customized to match his ideal teeth shape, size, and shade. Dr. Olson also offers weekly webinars on Thursdays at 3:00pm CST that further discuss the “Innovative Implant Smile” process and directly answer patient questions.

View the video blog below to reveal this patient’s smile transformation and restorative results. For more information, or to schedule a consultation with one of Innovative Dental’s experienced dentists, please contact us today!